三国提灯 いとやのオンラインストアです。
湊灯 minatobi (提灯キット)
This is the online store of Mikuni Lantern Itoya
located in Mikuni Town, Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture.
We sell 2 brands of products.
Minato Akari minatobi (Lantern Kit)
Koi Mikuni (Hand Towel/Echizen Washi Letter Set)
コピー:福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい|三国提灯|恋みくに Tenugui hand towels / Mikuni Chochin lantern
「三国提灯」をモチーフとした手ぬぐいです。 三国祭をはじめとした、お祭り文化が根付く三國湊。祭りが始まると、町家の軒先に提灯が吊るされ、情緒ある町並みを照らします。提灯が揺れる粋な風情を感じる手ぬぐいです。 お土産やプレゼントはもちろん、普段使いにもおすすめです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 「恋みくに」 美しい夕日と船のシルエット、 レトロな町並みと猫の声 祭りばやしに揺れる、軒下の提灯 きらきら輝く水面、潮風かおる海のごちそう 空を飛び回る海鳥、やさしく響く波の音 福井県坂井市三国町は魅力あふれる湊町です この町をもっと好きになってほしくて、 三國湊をモチーフにデザインしました きっとあなたも、三国に恋をする ※「恋みくに」は福井県三國湊をデザインした、三国提灯いとやのオリジナルブランドです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい 三国提灯 MIKUNI PAPER LANTERNS ◯サイズ:横:90cm、縦:35cm ◯素材:綿100% ◯絵柄:5種類 ◯日本製 ※日本手ぬぐいには特有のほつれがございます。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A tenugui with Mikuni Chochin lantern pattern. Mikuni-minato is where the Mikuni festival and other traditional festivals are rooted. At the time of the festival, chochin lanterns are hung under the eaves of merchant houses to light up the atmospheric townscape. Chic atmosphere created by dangling chochin lanterns are depicted. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Beautiful sunset and ship’s silhouette, Retro townscape and cat’s meow Chochin lantern under the eaves, swinging to the sound of festival Glittering water surface, feast from the sea with the aroma of sea breeze Sea birds flying around the sky, sound of waves gently resonating Mikuni Town in Fukui Prefecture is a port town full of charm. We designed our products with Mikuni-minato (an old district of Mikuni) as a motif in a hope for you to love this town more. Guaranteeing you that you will also fall in love with Mikuni “kohimikuni” has been designed with various sceneries from Mikuni-minato as its motif. It is an Itoya’s original product, originating from our wish to inform people more about Mikuni-minato’s charm. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◯ Size Width 90cm /Length 35 cm ◯ Material 100% cotton ◯ Design 5 different designs (Oshima and a ship・Mikuni Chochin lantern・Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab・ seaweed and sea urchin・Fukui dinosaurs) ◯Made in Japan ※ A fray at the edge of the towel is characteristic for Japanese Tenugui
福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい|ふくい恐竜|恋みくに Tenugui hand towels / Fukui’s dinosaurs
「ふくい恐竜」をモチーフとした手ぬぐいです。 たくさんの化石が発掘され、恐竜王国として知られる福井県。恐竜大好きなちびっ子も楽しめる、かっこいい恐竜もようです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 「恋みくに」 美しい夕日と船のシルエット、 レトロな町並みと猫の声 祭りばやしに揺れる、軒下の提灯 きらきら輝く水面、潮風かおる海のごちそう 空を飛び回る海鳥、やさしく響く波の音 福井県坂井市三国町は魅力あふれる湊町です この町をもっと好きになってほしくて、 三國湊をモチーフにデザインしました きっとあなたも、三国に恋をする ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい ふくい恐竜 FUKUI DINOSAURS ◯サイズ:横:90cm、縦:35cm ◯素材:綿100% ◯絵柄:5種類 ◯日本製 ※日本手ぬぐいには特有のほつれがございます。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ This is a tenugui with a Fukui’s dinosaurs design. Since many fossils have been excavated in Fukui, it is famous as a dinosaur kingdom. Children who love dinosaurs will enjoy this cool dinosaur design. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Beautiful sunset and ship’s silhouette, Retro townscape and cat’s meow Chochin lantern under the eaves, swinging to the sound of festival Glittering water surface, feast from the sea with the aroma of sea breeze Sea birds flying around the sky, sound of waves gently resonating Mikuni Town in Fukui Prefecture is a port town full of charm. We designed our products with Mikuni-minato (an old district of Mikuni) as a motif in a hope for you to love this town more. Guaranteeing you that you will also fall in love with Mikuni “kohimikuni” has been designed with various sceneries from Mikuni-minato as its motif. It is an Itoya’s original product, originating from our wish to inform people more about Mikuni-minato’s charm. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◯ Size Width 90cm /Length 35 cm ◯ Material 100% cotton ◯ Design 5 different designs (Oshima and a ship・Mikuni Chochin lantern・Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab・ seaweed and sea urchin・Fukui dinosaurs) ◯Made in Japan ※ A fray at the edge of the towel is characteristic for Japanese Tenugui
福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい|雄島と船|恋みくに Tenugui hand towels / Oshima Island and a ship
「雄島と船」をモチーフとした手ぬぐいです。 名勝として知られる東尋坊から少し足を伸ばすと、古代より神の島と崇められる雄島があります。朱塗の橋がかかる島の向こうには、夕日を背に進む船のシルエット。美しい自然の風景が旅情を誘います。波もようが可愛らしい手ぬぐいです。 お土産やプレゼントはもちろん、普段使いにもおすすめです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 「恋みくに」 美しい夕日と船のシルエット、 レトロな町並みと猫の声 祭りばやしに揺れる、軒下の提灯 きらきら輝く水面、潮風かおる海のごちそう 空を飛び回る海鳥、やさしく響く波の音 福井県坂井市三国町は魅力あふれる湊町です この町をもっと好きになってほしくて、 三國湊をモチーフにデザインしました きっとあなたも、三国に恋をする ※「恋みくに」は福井県三國湊をデザインした、三国提灯いとやのオリジナルブランドです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい 雄島と船 OSHIMA ISLAND & FISHING BOATS ◯サイズ:横:90cm、縦:35cm ◯素材:綿100% ◯絵柄:5種類 ◯日本製 ※日本手ぬぐいには特有のほつれがございます。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A tenugui with Oshima Island and a ship pattern. If you go further from the scenic spot of Tojinbo, you will arrive at Oshima Island worshipped as God’s island. Beyond the island with its red bridge, you can see the silhouette of a sailing ship with the sunset in its background. It will remind you of a fun day at the sea. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Beautiful sunset and ship’s silhouette, Retro townscape and cat’s meow Chochin lantern under the eaves, swinging to the sound of festival Glittering water surface, feast from the sea with the aroma of sea breeze Sea birds flying around the sky, sound of waves gently resonating Mikuni Town in Fukui Prefecture is a port town full of charm. We designed our products with Mikuni-minato (an old district of Mikuni) as a motif in a hope for you to love this town more. Guaranteeing you that you will also fall in love with Mikuni “kohimikuni” has been designed with various sceneries from Mikuni-minato as its motif. It is an Itoya’s original product, originating from our wish to inform people more about Mikuni-minato’s charm. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◯ Size Width 90cm /Length 35 cm ◯ Material 100% cotton ◯ Design 5 different designs (Oshima and a ship・Mikuni Chochin lantern・Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab・ seaweed and sea urchin・Fukui dinosaurs) ◯Made in Japan ※ A fray at the edge of the towel is characteristic for Japanese Tenugui
福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい|甘えびと越前がに|恋みくに Tenugui hand towels / Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab
「甘えびと越前がに」をモチーフとした手ぬぐいです。 福井県坂市三国町には、越前がにをはじめとした海の幸で知られる三国港があります。冬の味覚の王者・越前がに、海の宝石と讃えられる甘えび。三國湊が誇る2つの特産品を模様にしました。美味しい越前がにや甘エビを食べた記念に手にしてほしい、ご当地手ぬぐいです。 お土産やプレゼントはもちろん、普段使いにもおすすめです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 「恋みくに」 美しい夕日と船のシルエット、 レトロな町並みと猫の声 祭りばやしに揺れる、軒下の提灯 きらきら輝く水面、潮風かおる海のごちそう 空を飛び回る海鳥、やさしく響く波の音 福井県坂井市三国町は魅力あふれる湊町です この町をもっと好きになってほしくて、 三國湊をモチーフにデザインしました きっとあなたも、三国に恋をする ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい 甘えびと越前がに SHRIMPS & ECHIZEN CRABS ◯サイズ:横:90cm、縦:35cm ◯素材:綿100% ◯絵柄:5種類 ◯日本製 ※日本手ぬぐいには特有のほつれがございます。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A tenugui with a Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab. Mikuni town in Fukui Prefecture is endowed with plenty of sea’s bounty. Both Echizen crab, the king of winter dishes and Amaebi shrimp, praised as a jewel of the sea, are the specialty products representative of Mikuni Port. Mikuni-minato’s feast illustrated as a cute design. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Beautiful sunset and ship’s silhouette, Retro townscape and cat’s meow Chochin lantern under the eaves, swinging to the sound of festival Glittering water surface, feast from the sea with the aroma of sea breeze Sea birds flying around the sky, sound of waves gently resonating Mikuni Town in Fukui Prefecture is a port town full of charm. We designed our products with Mikuni-minato (an old district of Mikuni) as a motif in a hope for you to love this town more. Guaranteeing you that you will also fall in love with Mikuni “kohimikuni” has been designed with various sceneries from Mikuni-minato as its motif. It is an Itoya’s original product, originating from our wish to inform people more about Mikuni-minato’s charm. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◯ Size Width 90cm /Length 35 cm ◯ Material 100% cotton ◯ Design 5 different designs (Oshima and a ship・Mikuni Chochin lantern・Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab・ seaweed and sea urchin・Fukui dinosaurs) ◯Made in Japan ※ A fray at the edge of the towel is characteristic for Japanese Tenugui
福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい|わかめと雲丹(うに)|Tenugui hand towels / Seaweed and sea urchin
「わかめと雲丹(うに)」をモチーフとした手ぬぐいです。 福井県坂市三国町は海沿いの町。春になるとワカメ漁が始まり、海辺の村ではワカメを天日干しにする風景が見られます。夏になると海女たちが海に潜ってウニを獲ります。三國湊の豊かな海を感じる手ぬぐいです。 お土産やプレゼントはもちろん、普段使いにもおすすめです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 「恋みくに」 美しい夕日と船のシルエット、 レトロな町並みと猫の声 祭りばやしに揺れる、軒下の提灯 きらきら輝く水面、潮風かおる海のごちそう 空を飛び回る海鳥、やさしく響く波の音 福井県坂井市三国町は魅力あふれる湊町です この町をもっと好きになってほしくて、 三國湊をモチーフにデザインしました きっとあなたも、三国に恋をする ※「恋みくに」は福井県三國湊をデザインした、三国提灯いとやのオリジナルブランドです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 福井県三國湊 手ぬぐい わかめと雲丹(うに)SEAWEED & SEA URCHIN ◯サイズ:横:90cm、縦:35cm ◯素材:綿100% ◯絵柄:5種類 ◯日本製 ※日本手ぬぐいには特有のほつれがございます。 A tenugui with Seaweed and sea urchin pattern. Mikuni thrives with Ama divers’ harvesting. The view of seaweeds being dried under the sun is common in spring when the seaweed harvesting begins. In summer, Ama divers harvest the sea for sea urchins to make salted sea urchins regarded as a delicacy. Such stylish illustration of seaweed and sea urchin will come as a surprise for Ama divers. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Beautiful sunset and ship’s silhouette, Retro townscape and cat’s meow Chochin lantern under the eaves, swinging to the sound of festival Glittering water surface, feast from the sea with the aroma of sea breeze Sea birds flying around the sky, sound of waves gently resonating Mikuni Town in Fukui Prefecture is a port town full of charm. We designed our products with Mikuni-minato (an old district of Mikuni) as a motif in a hope for you to love this town more. Guaranteeing you that you will also fall in love with Mikuni “kohimikuni” has been designed with various sceneries from Mikuni-minato as its motif. It is an Itoya’s original product, originating from our wish to inform people more about Mikuni-minato’s charm. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◯ Size Width 90cm /Length 35 cm ◯ Material 100% cotton ◯ Design 5 different designs (Oshima and a ship・Mikuni Chochin lantern・Amaebi shrimp and Echizen crab・ seaweed and sea urchin・Fukui dinosaurs) ◯Made in Japan ※ A fray at the edge of the towel is characteristic for Japanese Tenugui